(12 December 2014)
Currently, there are many Christians who are teaching that the church is experiencing the messianic kingdom and to dispel this confusion, we try to teach what the Bible teaches about the future kingdom of God.
The Old Testament prophecies concerning an earthly kingdom were given to Israel during the first coming of Christ, however, the nation rejected the offer of the kingdom, so this kingdom was postponed (2 Samuel 7: 12-16; Luke 19 : 41-44).
It is in this intermediate program that God placed what is called the time of the church (Romans 11: 16-24).
To argue that the kingdom of God is already present now or it is a reality present many Christians are uttering phrases like Argentina or Mexico for Christ for Christ, etc., without really knowing what the Bible teaches about wHEN will truly Christian nations (Isaiah 11: 1-9; Revelation 22: 1-5).
In other words, they want to bring the kingdom of God now, before the second coming of Jesus Christ!
Certainly Jesus began his ministry with words like Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; ¨ ... has come upon you the kingdom of God and be born again not enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 3: 2; 12:28; John 3: 3-5).
And another passage that eventually use these masters kingdom now to support their theology is that of Matthew 28: 18-20, known as the Great Commission.
What has really been the confusion by all these passages? Why are so confused prophecies?
By a systematic lack of theological knowledge of the Scriptures!
The lack of understanding is not to understand that God's kingdom is now spiritual, that is, that each person receives Christ as their Lord and Savior the kingdom of God begins to manifest in your heart by His Spirit to reveal His will , give power to witness, know spiritual truths and direct it into all truth.
For all these things the Spirit of God uses the Scriptures (John 14:26; 17:17; I Corinthians 2: 10-16).
Let's look at some reasons to clarify that the kingdom of God is not currently PHYSICAL, nor the church
establish before the second coming of Jesus Christ:
1. This age has little in common with the prophecy of the Davidic kingdom or millennial, as this earthly kingdom promised to King David will be the time when Christ reigns with an iron rod nations and establish peace and social justice in the world (Isaiah 11: 1-9; 65: 19-25). This I can not see ... before his second coming!
In contrast, what is now the Bible prophesies to the church before the second coming of Jesus Christ is apostasy (Matthew 24: 11-12; I Timothy 4: 1; 2 Timothy 3: 1 to 6.13; 4: 1-5; 2 Peter 2: 1-3; Jude 3-4,17-19; Revelation 3: 14-19).
If we are currently in the Davidic kingdom, then the deplorable situation of the church (Revelation 2-3) is inexplicable, because five of these churches of Asia Minor are called to repentance!
2. The fact that Christ has given all authority before his ascension does not mean that he's already exercising, in other words, receiving authority and exercise authority are two completely different things.
The author of the book of Hebrews teaches that Christ immediately after his ascension, did not exercise the authority exercised when the Davidic kingdom is present (Hebrews 2: 8; 10: 12-13).
This authority will exercise when you return in power and glory and NOT BEFORE (Matthew 19:28; I Corinthians 15:27; Ephesians 1:10).
3. Christ is currently limited authority exercising, not in the future Davidic kingdom or millennial, but now energize your church to fulfill the Great Commission.
Because of that Christ received all authority after His resurrection, He is using this authority only in a limited sense, not to establish their future Davidic kingdom or millennial terrestrial or physically, but spiritually to energize his church and empower required to testify the gospel of grace (Acts 1: 8).
Recall that the Bible teaches that "the whole world is CURRENTLY under the control of the evil one" (I John 5:19), which also means that the devil still has power, even on Christians, because if you did, would why we are commanded then "use the full armor of God" and "sober and watch"? (Ephesians 6: 10-17; I Peter 5: 8).
Do not get ahead then to teach prophecies that do not yet have their fulfillment and pray to the Lord that we are workers who "draw well the word of truth" to not be ashamed before him at his coming.
Dr.Armando Alducin.
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